Andrew Cheeseman

Andrew Cheeseman founded Team(You) Inc. to improve K-12 school culture through the company’s software-based, positive behavior-focused classroom system, growing to 30,000 students before successfully exiting last year. He also sits on the SEL4CA (the social-emotional learning alliance of California) steering committee as chair of technology and digital marketing.

As a growth instigator, Andrew has worked closely with leaders of organizations of all sizes — from small and large school districts to Silicon Beach startups, to large enterprises like IBM, Toyota, USC, and Sony. Andrew founded several startups that include Team(You), Yourchestra, and a play research division at Mattel. He has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in sales through his empathetic sales and growth approaches. He is also an innovation leader, having led or coached the creation of innovation projects with school districts, and also companies including Disney and Mattel.

Andrew’s ability to drive growth and innovation springs from his understanding of relationships, communities, the creative process, and (of course!) empathy.


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